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Tutoring Services


Whether you’re a newcomer to reading or someone who’s struggled with it for years, there are valid reasons why reading might be challenging. This doesn’t mean you’re incapable of reading or that you’ll never master it. If your child declares reading is “dumb,” or expresses a dislike for it, or you have been told you or your child will never be able to read, don’t accept these statements as the final truth. In fact, approximately 95% of the world is capable of reading. The remaining 5% have experienced significant brain trauma that hinders their ability to read, and I’m referring to severe cases.

Let’s delve into the differences between reading and speaking for a moment. We’ve been speaking for around 50,000 years, whereas reading has only been around for about 6,000. Our brains are naturally wired for speaking, but not for reading. Reading a single word requires the activation of all parts of our brain, which means we have to constantly switch between these areas. This is why reading can be confusing and challenging.

Enter Patty and The Missing Piece Tutoring, employing the Orton-Gillingham Methodology. The Orton-Gillingham approach isn’t a rigid curriculum or program that follows a step-by-step plan. While it does have a structure, it’s designed to be flexible and customized to each learner. Each lesson is carefully planned, but the content is tailored to meet the individual’s needs, taking into account their previous lessons and the direction they’re moving in. Beyond the initial brief assessment at the start and some follow-up assessments, Patty is constantly evaluating and adjusting her teaching methods.

It’s time to stop believing you’re destined to be a poor reader or that there’s something fundamentally wrong with you. Patty has successfully worked with students from elementary to high school levels. Reading is a skill that can be developed at any age!


The way math is taught in elementary schools today is quite different from how it was when the parents of today’s students were in school. Nowadays, the focus is on helping students understand the concepts behind math, rather than just teaching them how to solve problems or memorize formulas. As educators, we often receive requests from parents asking us not to assign math homework, due to understanding the process. We empathize with these situations.

Similarly, we’ve heard from students expressing their feelings towards math, whether they love it or hate it. This is understandable, as our own feelings towards teaching math can range from passion to reluctance. However, it is important to recognize that mathematics can indeed be enjoyable, and the process of learning it can be equally rewarding.

If you find yourself struggling to help your child with math and are feeling overwhelmed, let us lighten your load.


Do you struggle with coming up with topics, organizing your papers, or just writing in general? We can help you from the basics of just editing and helping you polish up your paper, to the beginning of brainstorming, outlining, drafting, and writing the paper. We don’t write the paper for you, but can guide you through the process so that by the time you are done, you have a paper you can be proud of. Whether for class, a college essay or a story you want to publish, let us help you publish your next writing piece or become a stronger writer.

Homework Help

Is completing homework a battle in your household? Do you often find yourself coming home late, only to be met with the desire to spend quality time with your children rather than reviewing their homework? Are you finding it challenging to assist your child with their homework? If you answered yes to any of these questions or simply dislike homework and wish to have someone help your child catch up, review their work, or stay updated on their progress, we’re here to assist.

We offer weekly check-ins on their homework progress, discussing completion, challenges, and corrections. Additionally, if there’s a specific subject your child is struggling with in their homework, we can concentrate on that subject. The best part about tutoring is that we can tailor it to meet your specific needs.

Web Design

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The best aspect of The Missing Piece Tutoring is our network of incredible teachers, each with a diverse range of experience and expertise. If we don’t offer support in a particular area, we can easily connect you with someone who can. Our goal is to assist you and other teachers in connecting, not charging exorbitant fees, as we’re fed up with the approach of websites that promise to link you with tutors, often led by individuals lacking any educational background, and you can’t be sure these tutors are truly qualified to meet your learning needs. Moreover, these companies demand high fees from the tutors, who then pass these costs onto you. This leads the tutors to demand higher fees from you for services, which may or may not align with the services you are paying for. With us, you’re saving money because our connections don’t have to increase their rates to pay off these fees, and you’re assured of receiving a qualified tutor.

Why not save money and ensure you’re getting the quality services you’re paying for by working with real professionals? While some of our tutors may not hold teaching licenses, they all work under the guidance of qualified teachers and are equipped to support you in your learning journey.